Sunday, April 13, 2008

These are two sketches I did on my most recent business trip to Italy. The market scene was done in Florence in my sketch notebook and the pot of pansies on a water color block in Sansepolcro, Italy. I think the marketplace sketch came out pretty fresh and the experience with line and water color encourages me to try more of that style and to experiment in some new directions.

The pansies was actually the second water color I did in the garden at Casa Buitoni. My first did not turn out so well and looks overworked, so I am not posting it. Both sketches are rather smallish, around 5x7".


  1. Wow, really nice watercolours, I always enjoy seeing travel sketches, great stuff!

  2. Anonymous5:22 AM

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  3. Hi Spencer. This is Nic Larkin's wife Angie. I got as much of a kick out of reading about your travels as I did seeing your sketches. What a beautiful way to spend your time. I would love to purchase one someday if you ever want to sell some. I like to collect the artwork of friends. Your family means so much to Nic it would be extra fun. Anyway, thanks for taking the time to post your work. It enriched my day.

  4. Thanks, Angie. Fun to see your comments here. Some day I may sell some, but for now it's all about refining my approach. My kids are staking their claims as well.
